Behzad Behzadnia

Behzad Behzadnia, PhD.

Assistant Professor

PhD in Motor Behavior, Urmia University, Iran, 2017.

Motivational Psychology, University of Rochester, NY, USA, 2017.

Email Address: ;

Phone: +98-4133393384


Research Interests:

Motivation, Well-Being, Physical Activity, Motor Behavior


Research Overview:

Behzad Behzadnia is an associate professor at the Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science at the University of Tabriz, Iran. He holds a Ph.D. in Motor Behavior from Urmia University in Iran. He is mainly interested in applying the Self-Determination Theory in guiding research in education, learning, health, and physical activity settings. He is also editorial board member of several international peer-review journals such as Personality and Social Psychology ReviewFrontiers in Psychology, and Current Psychology


Selected Publications:


Behzadnia, B., & FatahModares, S. (2023). A self-support approach to satisfy basic psychological needs during difficult situations. Motivation & Emotion. 47, 61-83.

Behzadnia, B., Mollaei Zangi, F., Rezaei, F., & Eskandarnejad, M. (2023). Predicting students’ basic psychological needs, motivation, and well-being in online physical education: a semester-term longitudinal study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-19.

Leo, Francisco M., Behzadnia, Behzad, López-Gajardo, Miguel A., Batista, Marco, & Pulido. Juan J. (2022). What Kind of Interpersonal Need-Supportive or Need-Thwarting Teaching Style Is More Associated With Positive Consequences in Physical Education?. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.

Behzadnia, B., Rezaei, F., & Salehi, M. (2022). A need-supportive teaching approach among students with intellectual disability in physical education. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 60, 102156.

Behzadnia, B., Alizadeh, E., Haerens, L., & Aghdasi, M. T. (2022). Changes in students’ goal pursuits and motivational regulations toward healthy behaviors during the pandemic: A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102131.

Behzadnia, B. (2021). The Relations between students’ causality orientations and teachers’ interpersonal behaviors with students’ basic need satisfaction and frustration, intention to physical activity, and well-being. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 26(6), 613-632.

Behzadnia, B., & FatahModares, S. (2020). Basic psychological need-satisfying activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 12(4), 11151-1139.

Behzadnia, B., Adachi, P. J., Deci, E. L., & Mohammadzadeh, H. (2018). Associations between students' perceptions of physical education teachers' interpersonal styles and students' wellness, knowledge, performance, and intentions to persist at physical activity: A self-determination theory approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise39, 10-19.

Behzadnia, B., & Ryan, R. M. (2018). Eudaimonic and hedonic orientations in physical education and their relations with motivation and wellness. International Journal of Sport Psychology49(5), 363-385. https://doi:10.7352/IJSP.2018.49.363





ResearchGate Profile:


Address: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Tabriz, 29 Bahman Blvd, Tabriz, Iran 5166616471